These are the Latest One Line Comments From:![]() mugu Togo mugu@yahoo.com 09 Aug 2004 mugu pls let go Webmaestro Miami,Florida,USA webmaestro@ivillage.com 22 Jul 2004 Very nice and useful website. Deke Rrivers Australia rivers@elvis.com 21 Jul 2004 Thanks very much for your info, regards Deke Rivers ELVIS ALOHA Australia Manis Indonesia manis@yahoo.com 24 Jun 2004 Great website! I enjoyed browsing through it. poopy Snohomish, WA! ted@aol.com 03 Jun 2004 poopy....everyone meet for drinking at Danny's house! What up pimping?.....last week was wonderful;) wayo guyman webster ny wayoguyman@mail.com 03 Jun 2004 great sites keep it up . so guys i de here oooooooooo mugu florida, FL,usa mugu@corinthians.net 03 Jun 2004 i don dey brother! so make you just look and pass o TODD SEATTLE ZZZZZZUFF@AOL.COM 02 Jun 2004 RELAXING karen depew electric city, wa USA kdepew@vib.tv 22 May 2004 Great inter-active website. Thanks to all who put it together. Karen Mona Lee Kingstone 24,Boston,USA webmaster@leathericon.com 20 May 2004 Hello friends, Mona Lee Webmaestro Miami,Florida,USA webmaestro@ivillage.com 05 May 2004 Very nice and useful website. Teddi JO Bringham Brinnon, Washington teddijo.bringham@brinnon.us 28 Apr 2004 I really like the Grand Coulee Dam laser light show!!! John Bon trentpunker@hotmail.com 23 Apr 2004 Nice job guys. Keep up the good work! TED LANDOWSKI ORTING WA USA TLANDO10326@AOL.COM 25 Mar 2004 GRAND COULEE DAM IS A GREAT FISHING AREA Johanna Barry Nampa Idaho USA strawbarry01@collegeclub.com 12/5/2003 GCD Rocks! proud graduate of 2001!! cynthia connell,washington dont got one. sorry 11/30/2003 it is beautiful! ed ritner wilcox, ne countyward2000@yahoo.com 11/9/2003 fascinating area, want to bring my grandchildren for a weeks stay Anthony anthony@wholesaledidgeridooaustralia.com 10/15/2003 this is a great location! Kamilah! Co! Modelbehavior82@aol.com 10/8/2003 lol where is it?? Ronald Hall Spokane WA ronaldhall190@hotmail.com 9/22/2003 I visited the dam two years ago and this site really does the dam justice pavithra Bangalore pavithra@yahoo.com 9/21/2003 this site is beautiful and informative. Regards by pavithra. Christa Paranica AB millenniumaffiliate@shaw.com 9/11/2003 I like your site! Barry BILOU Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada bbilou@hotmail.com 9/11/2003 Nice Site! karthi bangalore,karnataka,india kar@hotmail.com 9/5/2003 this site is good and informative. regards by karthi Richard Stark Logansport,IN. U.S.A. rick_stark628@msn.com 8/28/2003 (JUST GREAT!!!!)OUT OF THIS WORLD ted ted@hotmail.com 7/25/2003 Very good site... I really enjoy it..... Thanks...... Jo Ann Taylor artaylor@bright.net 6/11/2003 Looking for Mike Reano members.xoom.com/ReanoFamily/ I have info on The Reano Family vicki rice yucaipa, ca pictgirl01@hotmail.com 6/1/2003 one of my favorite places to visit. patricia mc mahon mission viejo california usa mcbabci@hotmail.com 5/26/2003 fascinating Chelsea who@where.com 5/25/2003 Hi dudes!!! I just love living in the GCD area!! isn't it cool????? peace Rachel Richland, Wa USA iceangel16rld 5/18/2003 It was a very fun experience to see the dam and the amazing trails to hike! Lisa Jones irving Ny USA info@cigscigarettes.com 5/16/2003 Beautiful country i feel at one eith god when there.. Bryan Cooper Seattle, WA bryankentcooper@hotmail.com 5/8/2003 Thanks for the Krispy Kreams, Jim!!! Salish Lodge & Spa Staff. Snoqualmie, WA Lili allhailsanta@aol.com 5/7/2003 hey whats up? this is a cool site! MGBADA JOE,ABA ABA,NAIJA MGBADAJOE@ABA.COM 5/6/2003 I LOVE THIS PAGE. Anit Mehta London, UK (England) nik@yahoo.com 5/1/2003 Thanks for all the info! & great site Louise Laflamme info@childandbabyfurniture.com 4/28/2003 Thank's for the visit Louise Neil Donnellan neil.donnellan@inweb-designs.co.uk 3/14/2003 A very interesting web site. Well done. Bobby Farmer bobadu@hotmail.com 3/6/2003 509ers rule...!!!!! Clare US ---fretyui098 2/24/2003 facts is good paul montowski south bend in omnipitent1@yahoo.com 2/18/2003 love it none US nice website 2/13/2003 nice website Tonny Trisnawan Bali Hilton Nusa Dua, Bali, Indonesia webmaster@balihilton.com 2/11/2003 Cool website! Interesting info.toni http://www.balihilton.com DOUG JACKSON dojack02@yahoo.com 1/29/2003 MY BIRTHPLACE, I LOVED GROWING UP HERE! herbert mcdonald amesbury mass.U.S. herb3amesbury@msn.com 1/15/2003 have not yet visited dam. Have seen programs about it on TV. EVAN Italy Who@were.com 11/26/2002 You guys rck george calmine Kent Washington US georgecl@earthlink.net 11/12/2002 i think it is great Yujin India info@flashwebhost.cjb.net 11/8/2002 Hi, Regards, Yujin Boby hanna united states ,austin,texas bootylicous@bet.com 11/7/2002 can some one please give me pictures of the dam. miranda wisconsin ghettoprincess@aol.com 11/5/2002 HI!i love hocky Josh Tschirgi Vancouver, WA Skyveezybeefman@yahoo.com 10/7/2002 WHAT A PAGE! HIT ME WITH YOUR BEST SHOT! FIRE AWAY! Joshua Bris ant@templatemonser.com 10/3/2002 Thank you for the resources. Keep up the good work! Ellen w. Bothell,Wa USA fivefive7@hotmail.com 9/30/2002 The Grand Coulee dam is great! My Aunt works there and she loves it! Nanako Yamaguchi Moses Lake, WA Bz178nanako@yahoo.com 9/21/2002 I'd like to know outdoor and water sports in Grant County. Carole Fisher cf_changes@hotmail.com 8/25/2002 Very nice page Jim. Keep up the good work, you are an asset to the community. j. parker simmesport, la.71369 trucker721@yahoo.com a great wonder in my book 7/28/2002 a great wonder in my book. j p rob, karen, aaron, joey mcgraw benton city wa 99320 sweetgirlannie@aol.com 7/19/2002 The lazer light show was awsome. wellington ny/usa wjoway2002@yahoo.com 6/27/2002 hi to all Heather Anne washington, Granite falls who@where.com 5/6/2002 Great site! Jeffrey A. Kipp Veradale,wa Kipp@icehouse.net 5/6/2002 I am looking forward to visiting this summer Andrea LaSalvia andrea_lasalvia@hotmail.com 5/5/2002 I enjoyed your web site. Jessica Manchester Michigan Toucan9@aol.com 4/26/2002 This Dam is the nicest thing that i have ever seen in my whole entire life. Jason Beagle Grand Coulee jabeagle22@hotmail.com 1/3/2002 GCD Teens think the area rocks! Taylor Washington USA xxchika001@hotmail.com 1/3/2002 I love the info!!!!! daniel huston salinas, ca. andreahuston@hotmail.com 11/9/2001 it's nice to see home, its been a while David Patrick Hadfield Paducah Ky. 42001 Dphfield@aol.com 10/19/2001 Just browsing my computer and loved your web page Kevin Xiao Arlington WA, Unite States of America Klmxiao@cs.com 10/8/2001 It is a spectular area, especially the laser shows, a two thumbs up. WOW Roger rst19@hotmail.com 9/19/2001 Very interesting site Sal Gendron Lawrence, Kansas silliesal@hotmail.com 9/11/2001 I used to live in the GCD area before I moved to Spokane, Washington ... Robert Lentil Bonners Ferry, ID bobl@sprintnet.net 8/24/2001 Thanks for the great site full of much needed info about the area. Keep it up!! Joseph Reker St. Louis, Mo. Sheyne@swbell.net 6/27/2001 We visited the dam and enjoyed our visit Theodore M. Pope Jr. Vancouver, WA 98682 tntpope@aol.com 6/24/2001 My dad worked on the dam in the 70's. Was a memorable part of my childhood. Karen Cook Conyers Georgia U.S.A. rpcookassoc@aol.com 6/14/2001 I've never actually seen Grand Coulee Dam. Jason Smith Grand Coulee, WA, U.S.A. rinker@telvar 6/9/2001 Hi from us. We think it is cool how you built the dam. Paula J.Canon 6043 N.W. NorthHills Drive, Topeka, KS 66617 pjksgrl@cs.com 5/30/2001 I think the Dam area is beautiful and I love the web page. Thanks cuz, jim Erica Cash Spokane, WA U.S. EricaCash@Juno.com 5/7/01 I think that it is okay. Robert W. Holcomb Jonesboro, Ga. 30236 Clayton BUSSEYBOB@webtv.net 4/18/01 I was at the dam in 1985 and was impressed by its size. Arvid Hokanson Seattle, Washington, USA arvideh@yahoo.com 4/12/01 Greetings from Seattle - your power is turning the darkness to dawn. GUITTET Denis FRANCE denis.guittet@wanadoo.fr 2/18/01 I'll visit Grand Coulee Dam area next June! Marco Mueller Karlsruhe, Germany marco.mueller@epost.de 1/28/01 Great Page, I would love to visit someday. Best regards from Germany/Europe Anthony Ushler Redmond, WA, USA twisted@anthonysmail.com 1/22/01 The grand coulee dam is awesome and the laser show is the best! michael davidson kennewick,washington overload@3-cities.com 1/19/01 grand coulee was awesome and i am going to go agian Kevin Foley Redmond, WA klf3821@yahoo.com 1/19/01 See Lake Roosevelt photos on the ADVENTURES button. Brad Vanwert Spokane, Wa bvanwert@spokanecity.org 12/12/00 Great page Susan (Voss) Stanifer Spokane, Washington cheyzoo@home.com 12/10/00 I was a 1982 graduate of Lake Roosevelt High School. Molly Brown Bellingham, WA brownm@whatcomecu.org 10/5/00 I just found plans for my long Columbus Day weekend!! Thanks! Linnea Gentry Rockford, Il. nane43@hotmail.com 9/2/00 I would love to visit some day..Well done. Dave Harclerode Largo FL davidhar26@hotmail.com 8/30/00 Would like to see it. Winnie & Terrance Chiu Lynnwood, WA U.S.A tchiu1@excite.com 8/29/00 Well Organized web site!!! Kate Dinkling14@yahoo.com 8/26/00 I once did a report on the GCD-it's a really great topic to work with. Tim jones Longview, Wa Cowlitz TandJ@Kalama.Com 8/24/00 I came to visit the Grand Coulee a few years ago. It was a memorable vacation stop. ralph williams New Castle, RI riwilliams@hotmail.com 7/11/00 Nice Site.. will be visiting this summer. Thanks for the info. Colleen Alberta c_or_c@telusplanet.net 6/19/00 I look forward to visiting the area in July. john nordby Lincoln Hills, NB jonnybequik@freezenet.net 6/14/00 nice site. Dawn Stratton Tropicbreeze@prodigy.com 6/10/00 Coming there for the 4th of July. Hope theres room!! Mr & Mrs Jack Beecher Vaughn, WA USA Beechelj@p-c-a.org 6/8/00 Visited there when I was a kid, thinking about going there this summer. Garrett Plank Monroe, WA, u.s. Gdpallstar@aol.com 6/7/00 cool Raul Villarreal Prosser WA raul@bentonrea.com 5/23/00 GONNA VISIT THIS WEEKEND LOOKING FORWARD TO IT! Tami Gleason Issaquah Washington USA tgleas@puget.com 5/9/00 I loved the laser show almost 10 years ago. It was something to behold. Victoria Kinley NH earthgirl@hotmail.com 5/8/00 Cool!! Jackie Horn Irvine,KY United States Jackie@Yahoo.com 5/1/00 Grand coulee dam is a great place to visit. All my friends think it's cool! Randy Vater Monroe, WA, USA vaterr@hotmail.com 4/27/00 How do I get information For your nice town? Call the Local Chamber of Commerce... 1 800 Coulee2 ~ Jim Latrell Sean Wu Skuchjo Kubo Tokyo, Japan flippy@oroad.com 1/28/00 I love the dam. Shekinah S. Wapato WA 11/30/99 It's peaceful. Copyright © 1999 - 2004 Grand Coulee Dam Software ~ All Rights Reserved |